The Scripture…Peter said to them, “Repent, and be baptized, every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is for you, for your children, and for all who are far away, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to him.” Acts 2:38-39


The Devotions…There are many places where the stories of Jesus in the bible are easily woven into the life of a yogi. The incarnation and Christmas, are stories in which God becomes human, embodying the story of love. We regularly celebrate these when we come to our mats and physically move in worship and in prayer. In Baptism, we die with Christ and are raised to new life. At the end of our practice, we are in corpse pose, then pause in fetal pose, to rise up to new life…in Christ,…. each time we practice. When we speak of Spirit, Pentecost, which we celebrated in church last Sunday, we see where the essence of yoga and faith intimately intertwine. Yoga is about the breath. In the Pentecost story of Peter, we are promised the breath of Gods’ spirit, represented in tongues of fire and in a multilingual experience….a breath that moves us more fully into life together. In the book, ‘We Make the Road by Walking’ Brian McLaren invites is to consider our willingness to let go…to let BE….trusting God’s action in Christ and then, let Spirit come…receive  …the BEcoming of the spiritual being…..This IS a promise from God to us. Not just for us but for our future…
BEing spiritual beings is to take the themes of “let go”, “let be”, “let come”…off our mats, into our lives and into the world….let it BE so! Amen….

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