The Scripture…”Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and
admonish one another in all wisdom; and with gratitude in your hearts
sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God.” Colossians 3:16

The Devotion….Life is ….life…. and tending the inner spirit is
an easy thing to neglect. Tending our inner life is simply understood
as connecting our passion for life with our purpose for living …our
desire and fire to live…to be alive inside and out! Not
surprisingly, tending the inner life is fairly simple….it is as easy
as setting an intention or devotion of gratitude for our day…before
our feet even hit the floor in the morning. Noticing the air that
surrounds us and pausing to breathe deeply, perhaps, bursting
spontaneously into song (Happy comes to mind)! Walking as if the
distance between one place and another is a walking meditation, rather
than just a destination…taking time to check in with our inner
spirit. These are but a few ways to bring intentionality into your
everyday actives …nurturing your inner life and spirit. Distractions
attempt to draw us away from habits that foster our aliveness, but
with practice we learn to stay focused and are rewarded with an inner
life that is a reflection of the richness of the spirit of Christ that
dwells within.

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