The Scripture ~ The apostle Paul speaking to the Ephesians. “Through Christians like yourselves gathered in churches, this extraordinary plan of God is becoming known and talked about even among the angels!” Ephesians 3:10

The Spiritual Focus ~ Whoever sets themselves up as the judge of truth and knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods. ~ Albert Einstein

The Devotion ~ A mentor and friend of Yogadevotion operated under an interesting phrase, “you don’t know what you don’t know.”

In a world that pursues and values knowledge, one of the hardest statements to make is, I don’t know. In the medical and science world there is a becoming, an ongoing learning and gathering of knowledge that leads to saving lives. The same should be true in faith, we are always becoming more knowledgeable about God as God reveals Godself to us that is life giving. We must also admit that much about God falls in the category of mystery. Much about God was revealed in the life, mission and ministry of Jesus and yet there is still a becoming, a mystery of God that surrounds God’s extraordinary plan. Because there is still an unfolding of ideas, we must resist the urge to say we know something when we don’t, we must be comfortable saying, ‘I don’t know!’ Sometimes the statement that follows this admission is a promise to gather more information and sometimes we must be comfortable saying I don’t know and leaving it as a mystery.

In our faith and yoga practice it is wise and discerning to assume that God is still speaking and revealing God’s self and that we may not yet or ever know some things. In those instance we may say, I don’t know but by faith I believe…

In yoga, many have practiced and proclaimed, ‘ I don’t know what happened here but I feel……………. A wise teacher will not try to explain what has happened but leave to the mysterious benefits of a yoga practice.

Breath Prayer

Inhale ~ I am

Exhale ~ ok with mystery

While we may know much about the biology, psychology and theology of life, there is far more that we don’t know and to say we do certainly makes God laugh!

© 2023 Yogadevotion | Made with love.
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