The Practice of ….Aliveness

The Scripture….”Thus says the Lord God to these bones: I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live.” Ezekiel 37:5

The Devotion…
We celebrate the triumphant entry of Jesus on Palm Sunday… And as we enter the story of Holy Week, we are invited to pause, to breathe in the Holy Spirit that drives this passion narrative and allow the Holy Breath to make us alive.

The Palm parade is full of life…. pause ….breathe in the hope of the people, the energy of the peace parade…..

As we move to the meal on Maundy Thursday….we pause and breathe in nourishment…a sustaining promise and life….

We pause and gaze at our feet, and reflect on Jesus’ new commandment to love one another as he has loved us…. intimately and with humility….in the washing of feet.

We pause and reflect on Good Friday…when Jesus breathed his last….

We pray on Holy Saturday….our vigils are as simple as the prayer…. “these bones grieve.”

And then…Easter Sunday we celebrate that Jesus is alive, death has no power….the Spirit of God, God’s very breath has made him alive….Alleluia!

We are post Easter people, we know the end of the story… We pause and breathe through out this most Holy Week and anticipate the celebration of the promise of new life, a promise that makes us most …..Alive!

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