Traveling with Mission Jamaica is an experience, always a joy and often something unexpected happens….This year one of the veteran missionaries was admitted to the hosp…24 hours before he was suppose to leave on the mission trip, things were looking desperate that he would not get discharged in time to make the flight, his wife would be flying down alone leaving her husband in the hospital…at home. A miracle happened, he was discharged in time to make the flight….and had his medications waiting for him when he landed in Jamaica.

Miracle…maybe, maybe not….and that is the challenge with miracles that we read about in the bible. We read about these tremendous miracles like Jesus turning water into wine or raising someone from the death bed and then we wonder why we haven’t experienced such miracles when we have needed them. The way we can go is to say we don’t believe in miracles…which leaves us with very little hope.

A third option might be to look at miracles differently….to have faith, to look at everyday ordinary activates as miracles…. Practice reading the signs and wonders that God has put in front of us as the ‘miracles’ they are.

On our mats we experiences miracles all the time, certain asana’s relieve pain and build strength that we never thought would happen. The miracle of a breath…that not only calms our nervous systems but connects us with our God nature. Miracles happen ever where, all the time, it takes practice to start experiencing the miracles as second nature in our lives. Experiencing miracles is a faith practice and a practice of Yogadevotion.

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