Order, rhythm and flow are intrinsic parts of our nature, the value of which is immeasurable. Order, rhythm and flow speak of movement, transitions and the creative nature of God. August is a month that Yogadevotion has a different rhythm. We practice yoga and the Presence of God on beaches, on paddle boards, on our decks and just about anywhere we can be outside! Summer in Minnesota is one of our most beautiful seasons. Interestingly, it can be one of the hardest seasons in which to remain present. We see the color of a leaf changing and shudder at the thought that winter is just around the corner. A weather woman comments on record low temperatures in August and folks start to get out their long johns. Truly, there is no judgement here. We have four beautiful seasons to experience in Minnesota that flow naturally, one into the other. When I sit with that knowledge, in the moment, I find the gift of the right now rather than musing about what is next. There may be leaves changing but right now most are still lusciously green. Let’s savor the moment we are in and breathe in the breath of God. There is no need to rush. There is an order, a rhythm and a flow to the seasons of our lives . Let’s experience it.
On my mat, in this moment, I offer a prayer of gratitude for the many blessings that we have experienced in God’s Presence on our mats this summer. I pray that as we look forward to a new season of Yogadevotion you will join together with us, in community, on our mats, practicing in the Presence for the benefit of our relationship with God and each other.

Pastor Cindy

© 2023 Yogadevotion | Made with love.
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