We Make the Road by Walking
Week 24
Chapter 43

The Scripture…“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together… but let us encourage one another.” Hebrews 10:24–25

The Devotion….
In the New Testament there are over 30 verses that address how we are to love and care for one another….not just those in our families…with our same DNA, not just those that we like or have something in common with….not just those in our “tribe” ….but we are to love and care for the ” other .” Many of us grew up with the idea that we are to, like birds of a feather, flock together. That idea probably served us well in history when sticking together provided safety, but carried to the extreme that idea creates an “us and them” culture that is not life giving or sustaining or Christ-like. When Christ commands us to love one another it is for God-sake …and for the sake of life together….
One of the most encouraging things about yoga in general is that we are all on our mats together, no competition, no judgment. We encourage one another with our practice, presence and prayers….it is the kind of “tribe” that Christ called the New Kingdom of God.

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