The Scripture ~ “Look! I’m making everything new. Write it all down—each word dependable and accurate.” Revelation 21:5

The Spiritual Focus ~ “It’s amazing how differently you can see something after leaving it alone for awhile and then revisiting it later.” Rachel Wolchin ( Good Vibe)

The Devotion ~ At a recent conference of pastors and lay leaders, Rev. Otis Moss III proposed that for faith to be relevant we must remix the way we think about scripture. We must take what we know of the stories God in the Old Testament, the stories of Jesus in the New Testament and revisit them through the lens of life together today. Rev. Moss used the example of a DJ that knows all genres of music, the blues to hip hop to hymns and with that knowledge can remix the music creating new sounds, new songs for a new time.

Revisiting our faith practices is the way we continue to participate in God’s promise to “make all things new!” Some of our faith practices are tried and true, and some need to be remixed, revisited because they have become stale and meaningless. We are encouraged to explore our faith practices thru the lens of God’s promise of newness.

In the same way our yoga practices can become stale if we miss the opportunity to revisit how we approach our asana, breath and meditation. Sometimes revisiting a suggested modification, resting in a pose longer than usual is a way of exploring our yoga practice and finding something new. Sometimes, coming back to a pose we have tried before and didn’t care for, we are amazed to find something new. Revisiting our faith and yoga practice is one way to experience God’s promise of newness.

Breath Prayer

Inhale ~ All things

Exhale ~ Made new

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