We Make the Road by Walking
Week 26
Chapter 47

The Practice of….being a blessing.

The Scripture ….Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. Hebrews 13:16

The Devotion … A national news program recently did a piece on something called the
‘Happiness Project.’ The book, which started out as one woman’s quest to find habits that would increase her happiness, became a blockbuster bestseller and national movement of small groups that meet regular to discuss their happiness habits.
They found that there were certain happiness habits, which were consistently reported by folks in the pursuit of happiness. One was making a list each morning of 3 things they were grateful for and another was meditating/praying for 20 minutes each day. Finally, folks listed doing at least one random act of kindness each day. These were ‘musts’ to being happy.

The practice of meditating on how God has blessed us and then turning that blessing around to be a blessing to another is not only a practice that brings us happiness, but a practice that brings us into the kind of community that is pleasing to God, a community that God desires for all people to be happy and free.

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