Monday Morning Yogadevotion with Lisa by Zoom
Upon registration you will receive a Yogadevotion Ticket. This ticket has a Zoom link. Please save it for admission to class each week. If you miss a class, Lisa will...
Upon registration you will receive a Yogadevotion Ticket. This ticket has a Zoom link. Please save it for admission to class each week. If you miss a class, Lisa will...
Lisa’s Yogadevotion class is a noon practice that incorporates breathwork, gentle movement and strength building to guide you to wake up mind, body and spirit. This Hatha practice often incorporates...
Please contect the organizer to register for the 8 week session with Carrin Mahmood.
A nice gentle way to begin your week... register here and a Zoom link with be sent to you automatically!
All are welcome to attend this class by Zoom or in Person! You will recieve a Zoom Link upon Registration
The beautiful thing about this class with Sandy Cedergren is that you can attend in person or by Zoom! Just register by purchasing a ticket and a Zoom link will...
This class is a minsitry in partnership with Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Roseville. It is a Zoom class so all are welcome to join this class with Yogadevotion...
Purchase a ticket for this Hatha class with Sandy and you will recieve Zoom invitation for all 8 classes. And an awesome Yogadevotion class!
All welcome to join Anna Davis and the Yogadevotion participants of this welcoming church.
This ministry is in partnership with Salem Covenant Church. All are welocme to join this 8 weeks session and participate from wherever you are! After purchasing a ticket, you will...