As we begin 2024 it is often a custom of people to think of a new year’s resolution. I have made resolutions for years. It seems when I look back that my resolutions often were about losing a few pounds or changing some behavior. What’s a little different about a Sankalpa is it’s an intention based on our heart’s deepest desires. Sankalpa is a Sanskrit word for intention. It is a solemn vow to our soul (or higher self) born from our deep awareness, inner wisdom, and a desire of our consciousness. It is a resolve to do something. It is similar to a resolution, except that it comes from even deeper within and tends to be an affirmation. 

I have given a lot of thought to what my Sankalpa might be for this year. I have meditated on it during my prayer times and yoga practice. I was inspired by some thoughts from Henri Nouwen, who was an internationally renowned priest and author of more than 40 books.  We only have each day and as Henri Nouwen says we need to ‘choose the light’ multiple times each day. 

Inhale: choose

Exhale: the light

In his book, “Beloved, Henri Nouwen in Conversations” He writes some questions to ask yourself are: “Do I keep choosing joy over sadness?” “Do I keep choosing a word of forgiveness instead of a word of revenge?” 

In our choices for what we eat, and drink, our activities for the day, what we listen to and read…each day we make these choices He encourages us to empower ourselves by asking, “How do I spend my time, because there is a choice?”  He says that “Every time you choose, you make a little step, and these tiny steps take place every second of your day….that’s the choice I have to make–an inner choice and then I have to trust that something good will come out of it.”

So I encourage you this year, 2024 to spend some time in solitude and in that stillness see what the deepest desires of your heart are telling you and then seek the guidance and wisdom to bring that into your life.

Suzanne (who wrote this week’s devotion) shared that her Sankalpa is: “Embraced by Divine Light help me choose the light.” For her, this helps it to become one day at a time, and some days choosing the light maybe to allow myself to be in solitude and process a grief, or a loss, other times choosing the light might be making a phone call, organizing finances, taking a long walk in nature, or taking the time to listen to a family member or friend who needs some support. I encourage you to spend some time at the beginning of this year to explore what your Sankalpa might be.

Let’s begin our asana practice now. In our Yogadevotion classes we think of practicing in God’s presence. Let that love and graciousness guide your practice today to move within your range of motion and move safely in today’s yoga body. As you move thoughtfully through our practice perhaps think of what your Sankalpa might be for this year 2024!

© 2023 Yogadevotion | Made with love.
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