Sunday January 10, 2016 


The Scripture ~ “And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road.” Matthew 2:12

The Spiritual Focus ~ “Reason is in fact the path to faith, and faith takes over when reason can say no more.” Thomas Merton

The Devotion ~ Epiphany is the final celebration of the 12 days of Christmas. The word Epiphany means an illuminating discovery. In the narrative of Christmas, Epiphany is the day that the Magi discover the “light of the world,” the Christ Child. 

There are many wonderful parts to the story of the Magi. Magi are astronomers that are guided by a star, they express great joy at their discovery of the baby Jesus, and they bring gifts befitting a king. The Magi were not Jewish or part of the “in crowd,” they were the “other” that God chose to reveal the new thing that God was doing to reclaim ALL creation. 

Part of the story that has received little attention is in the verse we consider in our practice today. The Magi, in meeting the Christ child are changed, their eyes are opened, they have an “ah-ha” moment. Some interpretations say the Magi are “enlightened.” They are told in a dream to return home by a different road. One might say that an encounter with the living God (even though they likely did not know that at the time) changes everything, including the path they were on. A new path appears; a new road that comes with God’s promised protection. 

In Yogadevotion we practice in God’s presence because God’s presence changes everything. In faith we reflect on those “ah-ha” faith moments and illuminating discoveries, these discoveries are guided by God, they change the course of our faith toward God’s love. In our yoga practice we might practice an asana, a new breath technique or modification of a pose that suddenly opens our awareness to the inner Spirit of God that we all possess. This awareness has the power to change the course of our lives. 

God not only promises these little life changing epiphanies, but guides us toward them. When we practice our faith, when we practice Yogadevotion, we become more aware of the epiphanies, the path, the road, that God is leading us to. It is a road less traveled but a road that leads to life and love with the One who created us for the journey.

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