The Scripture ~ Behold, God is my helper; The Lord is the sustainer of my soul.  Psalm 54:4

The Spiritual Focus ~ Change leads to disappointment if it is not sustained. Transformation is sustained change, and it is achieved through practice. B.K.S. Iyengar

The Devotion ~ The word sustainability has in recent times been tied to conversations around the environment, but the concept of sustainability informs our lives in many other ways. Once a good idea has come to fruition or when we have an eye opening experience that changes everything, the real work begins of sustaining that idea or change.

To sustain something is to develop strategies for it to endure, to plan for the long term success of that which we wish to sustain. A sustained faith, is a faith that endures through joy and sorrow, always trusting God’s Spirit to support us. A sustained yogic lifestyle is one that doesn’t fluctuate with the latest trend but is informed by positive yoga experiences over time. Both a sustained faith life and enduring yogic lifestyle can be transforming, but it takes practice. What those practices are, are different for each of us. The practices we chose in faith and yoga are practices that are life giving rather than life draining. The practices we chose benefit not only our personal lives but our relationship with God and each other.

The beauty of a sustained faith is that God is the one who promises to create and sustain our faith. We practice trusting God and it transforms our life.

The beauty of an enduring yoga practice is that it creates space for us to connect with God, practice trusting God and be transformed.

Breath prayer

Inhale ~ I will

Exhale ~ practice  

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