a thought about John the Baptist
bu Carrin V. Mahmood
A friend from college coordinates the transportation for large-name entertainers. He handles the trucks for them when they are on tour. When he comes to the Twin Cities, I have been lucky enough to see Rascal Flatts, Tim McGraw, world-class skaters, and Michael Flatley to name (drop) a few. The concerts and shows are always fabulous, but my favorite part is getting to be in the bowels of arenas and stadiums watching them set up. Each truck enters in a precise sequence. Every wire, light, and piece of staging is unloaded in orderly chaos. Everyone knows exactly what their role is, and only by doing their job to perfection is the star able to come in and perform. Sometimes there are lead-up bands, but there is only one main attraction, and everything up to the time the star walks on stage is just preparation for that moment.
John the Baptist had been given a job even before he was born, and that job was to prepare the way for the Savior of the world. John had a role to play and not once in his life did he try to play a different one. Just as the appetizer isn’t meant to be the main course, it is supposed to whet your appetite and prepare you for the main course, John the Baptist prepared the way for the Messiah. Ask yourself, “What is my role in bringing God’s plan to fruition?” Then boldly embrace that role and with grace and your blessing encourage others to live into the roles they were created to have