September 20, 2015
Week 3
The Scripture
Jesus said, “Come ahead.” Jumping out of the boat, Peter walked on the water to Jesus. But when he looked down at the waves churning beneath his feet, he lost his nerve and started to sink. He cried, “Master, save me!” Matthew 14:29-30 The Message
The Practice of Failing
The Spiritual Focus, failing is the point where head and heart meet and we are most open to the Spirit.
The Devotion
Pause for a moment and remember a time when you tried something new and it overwhelmed you. Listening carefully to the leader, you thought you had a handle on things and then, it became too much. Fear of not doing well creeps in and at the root of that fear is fear of failure. Often after a first yoga class a new student will come up and say, “it is so much to remember and I’m sure I am not doing it right!” Doing “it” right is in our DNA, we are taught to avoid failure, but the truth is most of us know that it is in our failures that we grow. Stepping out of our comfort zone, risking failure is the place where head and heart meet and we are most open. Be assured, this is not done without courage and wisdom. Of course we modify an asana that we know is not right for our bodies, but how many times have we played it safe in a pose because we were afraid of “falling out” or failing and then not experience what the pose has to offer.
Brene Brown in her book, “Rising Strong” says it is when we fail, when we are face down in the muck and mire of life that we often get our greatest inspiration in how to move forward. Risking failure takes courage, wisdom and it teaches us about trust. When Peter kept his gaze and focus on Jesus, trusted him, he stepped out without fear. When Peter looked down he fell, he failed, he learned. Peter’s failure is an experience that taught him that he could trust Jesus with his life. With wisdom and courage we accept that we might fail, but trust that the failure is an opportunity for growth.
Breath Prayer” Inhale I am Exhale strong
Suggested poses: BALANCE POSES!

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