I go to prepare a place for you, . . . and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also.

John 14: 2–3

Spiritual Focus
“Eighty percent of success is showing up.” Woody Allen

A young woman quietly sneaks into class during the opening breath work, rolls out her mat, and sits down. The same young woman barely makes it to church in time to hear the sermon and always sits in the back pew. During the open sharing of peace at the beginning of class, she was overheard to say, “Sometimes it is all I can do to just show up.”

Life is like that sometimes. There can be so many obstacles that attempt to keep us from being in relationship with the One who loves us, multiple reasons that prevent us from practicing our faith or yoga. Sometimes the explanation is as straightforward as that we’re too tired, or perhaps other priorities have pushed their way to the top of the “to do” list. But when we press through and simply commit to showing up, in whatever circumstance we find ourselves, we will be surprised to find that God has gone before and has prepared a place for us.

Breath Prayer
Inhale | I Am
Exhale | Here

Focus Pose: I know of no quicker method for bringing my attention to the present, for “showing up” on the mat, than practicing balance poses. In this week’s practice add an extra balance pose. Tree and Warrior III are examples of two familiar favorites. In balance poses we begin by finding a focus; pick a spot at which to direct your eye gaze or drishti, and bring your mind’s attention to your breath, keeping it full and steady. Ground the pose with your feet and pull energy from the earth up into your body, engaging the core as the spine lengthens. Show up and find balance.

© 2023 Yogadevotion | Made with love.
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