The practice of….Belonging

The Scripture….Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” John 20:19b

The Devotion….The backdrop of our scripture today finds the disciples frightened, locked behind heavy doors, hiding together ….fearing that what had happened to Jesus just three days ago would happen to them….tuned into every sound around them they turn and there is Jesus in their midst….alive and greeting them with the words, “peace be with you,” …..showing them his scarred hands. At first glance this is an odd experience of fellowship…but when we look at the disciples, deny-ers, non-believers, a ragtag bunch of fellows….fishermen who had been on a wild three year journey ….we realize that with Jesus presence and words, this odd fellowship becomes a place where anyone who wants to can belong. No membership card, no status requirements, no conditions….everyone is loved and everyone belongings…all are welcome! All are greeted with the peace of Jesus.

Stepping on our yoga mats the first time is like that, we aren’t sure if we belong, we hope nobody notices that we are new or may just new to the class …..Baron Baptiste puts his classes at ease by reminding folks that dogs don’t watch other dogs do down dog and neither should we….then we close our eyes and breathe ….and in the breath we are one….we all belong….in the Holy Presence ….in the deep breath of peace….we come to experience the true nature of fellowship and belonging… Christ…..

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